Be A Writer

Writing Teams - Writing is the backbone of great theater. The 24 Experiment is an intense writing exercise to create a short play that can be directed, rehearsed, memorized and performed in 24 hours. There will be 6 writing teams consisting of 2 to 4 writers each. Writers may join as teams, or form groups at the event.
Writing Theme - Each play will be based around a single theme, such as comedy, mystery, or crime. Each team will draw from the hat: their theme, characters by gender, and a performance order. All plays for the night must also reference certain common elements of a given character, a given prop, and a given line of dialog, all secretly selected by the facilitator of the project.
Writing Script - Each writing team is expected to produce a one act play utilizing the actor types selected. The maximum length for each play is 15-minutes. Completed scripts must be submitted to the facilitator by thumb drive or e-mail no later then 6 am Saturday morning. The scripts are written at the Point Loma Playhouse. The completed plays will be printed and presented to the directors for selection, casting and production. The scripts are written for PG audience.
What to Bring - Writers are asked to bring their personal laptops (and personal WiFi devices if available) for writing. A writer's dinner will be provided but if you have dietary or health restrictions, bring your own food.
Schedule - Writers must arrive at the theater on Friday evening at 7 pm for the initial meeting of all participants. They begin writing at 8 pm and must complete their work by 6 am Saturday morning. They return Saturday night at 7 pm to see their play performed in front of a live audience. Invite your friends and family!
Writing participants must be at least 18 years of age.
The plays are to be written for a PG audience.
Writing Theme - Each play will be based around a single theme, such as comedy, mystery, or crime. Each team will draw from the hat: their theme, characters by gender, and a performance order. All plays for the night must also reference certain common elements of a given character, a given prop, and a given line of dialog, all secretly selected by the facilitator of the project.
Writing Script - Each writing team is expected to produce a one act play utilizing the actor types selected. The maximum length for each play is 15-minutes. Completed scripts must be submitted to the facilitator by thumb drive or e-mail no later then 6 am Saturday morning. The scripts are written at the Point Loma Playhouse. The completed plays will be printed and presented to the directors for selection, casting and production. The scripts are written for PG audience.
What to Bring - Writers are asked to bring their personal laptops (and personal WiFi devices if available) for writing. A writer's dinner will be provided but if you have dietary or health restrictions, bring your own food.
Schedule - Writers must arrive at the theater on Friday evening at 7 pm for the initial meeting of all participants. They begin writing at 8 pm and must complete their work by 6 am Saturday morning. They return Saturday night at 7 pm to see their play performed in front of a live audience. Invite your friends and family!
Writing participants must be at least 18 years of age.
The plays are to be written for a PG audience.